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Posted on 2021-12-11 In Eskura
On 11 December we organise a practical workshop to work on the pedagogical resources presented at the III. International Seminar on Pedagogical Resources on Human Rights.
Posted on 2021-10-06 In Eskura
Eskura Human Rights Educational Resource Centre will hold its III. International Seminar on Human Rights Educational Resources. This year will focus on Environment and Human Rights. It will be held on 6th and 7th October 2021 at the Kursaal, Donostia-San Sebastian, in trilingual format (Basque-Spanish-English) and both in person and online.
Posted on 2021-04-20 In Eskura
Giza eskubideen aldeko pedagogia-baliabideen III. Azoka apirilaren 24, 26 eta 27an izango da. Aurten, aurrez aurrekoa eta birtuala izango da. Aurrez aurre parte-hartzeko gonbidapena eskatu behar da Saio guztiak online jarraitu ahal izango dira Donostiako Udaletxeko Youtube kanalean.